Monday, January 3, 2011

Two More in Progress!

#10: Read 30 non-academic books. (0/30)
When we were in Charleston for Thanksgiving, my mom loaned me The Health Detective's 456 Most Powerful Healing Secrets by Dr. Nan Kathryn Fuchs. I just remembered I started this one about a month ago, so I'm adding it to the list of books I'm currently reading. I wasn't sure what to expect, but it's actually pretty interesting. The "secrets" are not what I thought they would be; instead of weird extracts or supplements, it's more about hidden deficiencies and probiotics and things like that. Also, I'll go ahead and put this out there since it's probably on your mind already: the author's last name is pronounced "fyooks." Not what you thought, was it? Same here.

#13: Buy a new kitchen gadget and use it at least 10 times. (0/10)

I've been wanting a mandolin slicer for months now. I decided that I would get one if I got some money for my birthday, but I kept putting it off. No more! I got one while we were out running errands today, and I can't wait to start using it!

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