Monday, November 21, 2011

Help Louisville's Homeless this Christmas!

#85: Volunteer at Jeff Street once a month.

This month's visit to Jeff Street was a little different for us. They're getting ready to kick off their Change for Change campaign. This holiday season, they'll be handing out bottles to be filled with loose change that will go toward furthering their ministry to the homeless. (Coincidentally, my church recently wrapped up a fundraising campaign with the same name, but those funds went toward digging a well in Ghana...! Change is good!) Anyway, they needed lots of volunteers to help put labels on bottles, so Tom and I did that in the afternoon instead of going to the day shelter that morning. Labeling bottles doesn't sound like very exciting work, but we actually had a lot of fun! There were lots of other volunteers, and someone turned on a Switchfoot mix so we'd have something to listen to while we worked. We all chatted and compared bottles to see whose labels were straightest...and within a few hours, thousands of bottles were labeled and ready to go!

Please, please, please click here to read more about Jeff Street and find out how you can help with this project. It's such a simple way to help out an organization that's sharing Christ's love with the homeless people of Louisville in some extraordinary ways. Every time we visit, we come away more and more thankful to be a part of it. You can be too!

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